Each content page has fully ruled blue lines with the third line in red and a red margin line.
Lines are ruled just under an A4 size, so that when the A4 page is pasted in, it leaves a nice white border. Fantastic for high quality presentation.
Inside covers contain information on how to achieve the best from your writing – a valuable guide on how to plan before you start any writing.
A special section is allotted for pupils to write down words and phrases they have come across in everyday life that have really intrigued them. They would then have a valuable “library” to refer to when creating their own writings.
Inspirational quotes on t back outside cover.
Clever Kangaroo is a Family Owned business – not part of a big overseas corporate
Clever Kangaroo prints all its books on Eco Friendly Paper
Clever Kangaroo uses fun simple designs
ISBN 9421006480381
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